Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Winning at Planning:Step 5

I certainly don't expect that you are anywhere near being finished with steps 1-4, so don't panic! When you get to step 5, you should have your box set up and your curriculum on hand or at least the table of contents.

You can begin planning lesson plans. It is up to you how far in advance you'd like to plan. I start the year by planning which days we will be on and off. I use the attendance calendar to mark the days I intend to be school days. I keep this copy hung on a bulletin board and then keep 1 copy per kid to keep attendance.
You should check with your state laws to see your attendance requirements.

As for the actual lesson plans, there are many options available. It may take awhile to find on that fits your needs. I have created several over the years and I tweak them to fit my needs. I have included them in the B.Y.O.B. Build Your Own Binder Homeschool set. I particularly love the ones for families with multiple children homeschooling. It is so helpful to have it all in one place.

two student planner
(comes in color and black and white)

Also available:
2 student, 4 day week (color & black and white)
3 student, 5 day week (color & black and white)
3 student, 4 day week (color & black and white)

Other helpful planning pages:

Planning page for Five In A Row

Workbox Planner

I love to add to my curriculum by filling in with some extra activities. Sometimes these are for fun and sometimes they are necessary when we need more time to master a concept.

Fill in your lesson with:
File Folder Games
Online Games
Lap Books
Notebook Pages
Take It To Your Seat Centers
Field Trips

These might be things you already do, but for many of us, they are not planned way in advance. The way to WIN at planning is to be way ahead, not barely keeping up.

Here are some places to look for activities to Fill In:
Teachers Pay Teachers
File Folder Fun

This is just a small sampling of the resources that are out there. Of course, my favorites are Teachers Pay Teachers and Teachers Notebook because these are materials that are crafted by teachers. Not only are the activities kid-tested, but there is a ton of items that are free or almost free.

Go get busy!

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say that I am in LOVE with your doodle frames!! I will be purchasing soon! So creative, so pretty! Thanks for all your organizing tips too!
