Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Cleaning for the Homeschool Family Day 3: Planning

Ok, so planning isn't actually cleaning, but they go hand in hand in my mind. Cleaning and planning go together because they both provide you with a sense of peace and accomplishment! I could post about how to clean your dryer vent,  but I am hoping to give you some insight on how to make the school in your house run smoother.

If you downloaded the planner from yesterday's post, you'll be ready to roll with this next challenge.

Wouldn't it be nice to have school all planned and ready to go each week? How much time do you spend each weekend working on school planning?

I remember when I was teaching in public school, I would try to plan 2 weeks at a time. Those weeks always went by so much smoother than weeks where I felt unprepared. I try to implement some of my teaching and classroom management experience into our homeschool whenever applicable. Organizing and planning are just such an occasion.

Let's get started.

 The set-up:
hanging file folder system or crate
10 hanging file folders (1 for each week)
10 planning sheets per child

-You'll see that each hanging file folder is labeled week 1-10
-If you have 3 or more kids, you may want to use file folders within each hanging file folder.

 The planning
One Weekly Plan page per kid, per week

-Begin by planning the easiest subject. Maybe that's a Spelling curriculum that plans the weeks out for you. So it's just a matter of placing the pages in the folders.
-Write in pencil the basic ideas you want to cover that week. For example: Math- Time. Writing- How-paper, Science- Earthquakes
-If you've already purchased or printed the material for these topics, place them behind that week's plan sheet.
-This is also a great time to see what will be needed a few weeks before it's needed rather than the night before. Make a list of what you need and when it is needed. 

Sure, this mega-planning session will take time. But I honestly believe it takes less time to do it all at once than it was taking doing it every weekend. Plus, I am better prepared and I can plan my expenses. Think of it this way: don't you spend less and have better meals when you make a menu and a grocery list? If you walk into the grocery store without a plan or an idea of what you need, you're likely to come out with tons of stuff that doesn't make a cohesive meal! Unless tomato soup, donuts and soda are your idea of fine dining. 

 Good luck!

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